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Expert Tips for Home Buyers & Sellers

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4 Quick Tips for Houston Sellers

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Today, we’ll cover four important tips to prepare your home for the Houston real estate market. With the buying season upon us, it’s important for your property to stand out from the rest of the competition. Here’s how you do that.

  1. Seek a pre-inspection. Sellers usually wait for buyers to obtain an inspection. However, if a seller pursues one first, you’ll know what repairs and issues to address ahead of time. This reduces time as well.

  1. Reduce clutter and depersonalize your home. Take down items you won’t need in your home until after your move, such as family portraits. Pack them away. Buyers shouldn’t be paying attention to your knick-knacks.

  1. Have your home professionally cleaned. You want the first impression to be fantastic. Dust the baseboards. Clean the windows. Pay attention to detail to avoid buyers thinking your home is dirty.

  1. Don’t forget your curb appeal. Many sellers forget the curb is where the buyers first see your home when they visit. Cut the grass. Add new mulch and seasonal flowers. Power wash your driveway, sidewalks, and the front of the house. First impressions are lasting impressions! Make it count.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home in the surrounding Houston area, give us a call or send us an email. We’d be delighted to help you and provide you with additional tips!

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