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A Conversation With WoodCreek Elementary Principal Mr. Mosher

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I am excited to be joined today by Mr. Mosher, principal of WoodCreek elementary here in the Katy ISD. He is the leader of a school full of passionate educators, and we help lots of families move from the city into places like Katy and we have been impressed by what Mr. Mosher and his school have to offer. We wanted to talk to him a little bit about what makes Katy ISD such a great district and what makes WoodCreek Elementary its crown jewel.

The Katy Independent School District has a population from all over the world. Many people come here to work in the energy sector, and parents do their research about the nearby districts. The Katy ISD has a universal curriculum, and it’s a place where many of these relocation buyers come to live. Mr. Mosher sends his own kids to the Katy ISD.

Mr. Mosher’s school, WoodCreek Elementary, is known for how much they care about their students. They want to be known for how much they love their students and parents because when you love someone, you will do whatever it takes for them. This is more than just a job to the educators at WoodCreek Elementary. It is their passion.
WoodCreek Elementary is known for how much they care about their students.
WoodCreek provides lots of opportunities for parents as well. No matter your situation, there are opportunities for you to become involved with your child’s schooling. Many people in the PTA leadership work full-time, but they have maintained a very healthy engagement with parents.

Research shows that kids who have parents involved with their schooling do much better in school. They want to set their kids up for as much success as possible, so part of that is getting parents involved in meaningful ways, too.

If you have any questions for Mr. Mosher about WoodCreek or the Katy ISD, you can find his information over on his fantastic YouTube page here.

If you have any questions for us, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.

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