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4 Tips for Growing Your Business Via Social Media

Joining me today is Brenda Boral, a social media marketing expert who has four tips on how to grow your business via social media.

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Today I’m joined by Brenda Boral, the owner of Boral Branders, an online marketing firm specializing in social media and search engine optimization. The reason I brought Brenda in today is that a lot of people, including our friends, family, and some past clients, are asking us if social media advertising is working for our real estate team. They’re noticing our ads on Facebook and YouTube and wondering how they can do the same thing with their own businesses.

Brenda is here to help answer that question by offering four tips about how to grow your business via social media:

  1. Get on Facebook. Why should you be on Facebook? Because everybody else is. This includes both your competitors and clients. Facebook isn’t going anywhere, and people are putting their entire lives on it. That’s a lot of information to take advantage of.
  2. Analyze your competitors before implementing any strategies or campaigns on social media. See what they’re posting. How many times are they posting it? Why are they posting it? If whatever content they’re using is working, model your own strategy after it. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.
  3. Know your target market. Analyze your target market by looking at your own client database. Who do you work with? What are their demographics? What are their interests? This information is crucial to understanding your clients and being able to reach out to them.
  4. Know your target market.
  5. Know the difference between boosting a post and creating an ad. When you boost a post, you’re helping other businesses that already have tons of likes. If you want to grow your own business, you must create and ad that involves a call to action for your target market. The great thing about an ad is that you can send it only to your target audience.  These ads can cost as little as $5 a day.

If you need any more expert advice from Brenda on social media marketing strategies, she would love to give you a free consultation and offer some tips. Just give her a call at (832) 215-9471 or send her an email at

If you have any more questions for me, feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email as well. I look forward to hearing from you!

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